Physical Therapy

Benefits of the Bridge

The bridge is a versatile exercise that captures multiple key muscle groups. This exercise strengthens the glut, hamstrings and activates the deep core muscles. It also provides lengthening to the anterior hip and quad muscles.

The bridge is a non weightbearing exercise that allows individuals who can’t tolerate weight bearing to work on strengthening these areas.

Ther are multiple variations and modifications that can be performed. Try some of these while bridging:

  • Place a small ball between the knees and squeeze
  • Place a band around the outer thigh and push outward slightly
  • Lift the heels for a calf raise
  • Perform marching
  • Perform single leg raises
  • Place lower legs on a physioball

Remember to keep the pelvis lifted, shoulder blades retracted and upper neck/jaw relaxed.

It’s common for the hamstrings to cramp during the hold. If this occurs, lower down slowly then slide the heels closer to your buttock and return to the position.