I am a huge advocate of Aquatic Physical Therapy. Many patients who are limited with exercises in the clinic can tolerate higher level exercises for longer periods in the pool. The water provides a significant roll in unloading joints and easing symptoms.
Key benefits to exercise and therapy in the water:
1.) Buoyancy of the water relieves pressure and forces on joints.
2.) Warm water increases blood flow, circulation and promotes relaxation and flexibility of the muscles.
3.) Viscosity of water provides constant resistance for muscle strengthening and endurance.
4.) Hydrostatic pressure of the water helps to reduce swelling and increase proprioception.
5.) The water allows for practicing high level balance activity in a safe environment.
Below are a few pieces of pool equipment I recommend when starting a pool program.
Aquaflex Paddles: You can vary resistance by opening and closing the paddle vents. The paddles allow for multi plane shoulder and upper extremity strengthening.
Aquatic gloves: These are super comfortable and allow for upper body resistance during walking and swimming.
Aqua Dumbells: May favorite exercises with the dumbbells are tricep push downs and passive shoulder stretching for those with limited shoulder range of motion.
Water Noodle: Lastly (and least expensive) is the multi purpose water noodle. A 2.5 to 3 inch noodle diameter is best for optimal resistance. There are so many exercises you can do with the noodle. Balance training and multi hip exercises are a few of the most common. Noodles can also be used for assistance with gait to promote upright posture.

Demonstration videos to come once the pool is open!